When do you know that your company needs a website redesign? In many cases, it’s not just because of a single factor. Instead, it’s the result of a combination of factors. And if you’re wondering what factors most often lead to businesses deciding to look for redesign services, that’s exactly what we’re going to cover right now:
Not Responsive
Responsive design refers to a design style that allows a website to automatically resize to any screen. Since so many Internet users are now getting online with their phones and tablets, a responsive design is vital for ensuring they all have a consistent experience.
Difficult to Update
Regardless of what someone may have told you in the past, in 2014, there’s no reason for a site to be difficult to update. If you’re comfortable checking your email and using Microsoft Word, you have all the skills needed to update your site whenever you want. However, if your site is out of date, you’re going to need professional redesign services to bring your site up to date and ensure it’s actually easy to use.
Unnecessary Clutter
Are there multiple buttons, badges, and other elements on your site that don’t serve a real purpose? If so, enlisting website redesign services to remove them will increase your site’s conversion rate by preventing your visitors from being distracted or annoyed.
When it comes to really compelling reasons to opt for a website redesign, a slow site is a big one. Having a site that takes forever to load means you’re regularly losing visitors. There’s also a good chance you’re not ranking as well as you could in Google with a faster site.
High Bounce Rate
If your analytics show that a significant number of visitors are hitting the back button before visiting a second page, you need the assistance of website redesign services to identify what’s going wrong and how it can be fixed.
Erosion of Traffic
A healthy website is one that sees a steady increase in traffic. If your traffic is moving in the other direction, redesigning it may be exactly what’s need to turn that negative trend around.
Looks Outdated
If it looks like it’s been five or even ten years since your site was updated, redesign services can give it a facelift so visitors won’t ever assume your site’s been abandoned.
Not Working Correctly
Online users don’t have the patience for sites that don’t work correctly. So if there are one or more features on your site that are currently malfunctioning, it’s time to deal with them through a redesign.
Search Engine Issues
Are there multiple error messages when you log into your Google Webmaster Tools account? If so, there’s a good chance a website redesign will be the best way to tackle them.
Links from Old Designers
If there are links on your site from redesign services you’ve enlisted in the past but no longer work with, an overhaul can remove them, as well as address any of the other issues we covered above.
Although deciding that you are going to have your site redesigned is a big decision, as long as you enlist the website redesign services of proven professionals, you’ll find that the process goes smoothly and the end result is exactly the type of website that you want.
Original content source: https://www.webstrategyplus.com/10-signs-company-needs-website-redesign/
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